Wednesday 18 December 2013

'Millie's Cookies' Style Chocolate Chip Cookies!

The secret to this recipe is the use of the two different type of sugars.. but ssssssh! 

*Pre-heat oven to 180*C for a fan oven*

If you're hoping for a gooey Millies cookie style cookies, then I recommend to bake the cookie for 7 mins. If you like your cookies more golden with a slight crunch, I recommend 10-15 mins. 


125g Butter
75g Light Brown Soft Sugar
100g Caster Sugar
1 Egg, Lightly Beaten
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
225g Self-Raising Flour
1/2 TSP salt
200g Chocolate Chips (Or what i found that worked the best was using one and a half bars of smashed/ cut up little pieces of supermarket own brand chocolate (100g each), which are as cheap as 30p!)


Firstly, cream the butter and the sugar together until light and smooth

Next, add in the lightly beaten egg and vanilla extract

Sift in the flour/ salt and lightly fold all the mixture together (a figure of 8 movement usually works best!)

Sprinkle in the broken pieces of chocolate so the cookies will taste extra good, then mix it in

At this point you should prepare your baking tray and line it with greaseproof paper so the cookies don't stick to the tray!

Take some mixture and roll it in your hands into walnut sized balls, then place on the greaseproof paper. I recommend placing around 6 balls of cookie dough mixture at a time on 1 tray.

Place in the oven on the middle shelf

After 7-15 minutes of being in the oven, remove the tray and allow the cookies to cool and harden a little before lifting them off and placing them on a cooling rack

Repeat Process, and enjoy!

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