Sunday 12 January 2014

Millionaires Shortbread (Chocolate/toffee shortbread)

This lovely bake comes from a recipe book which they have at my Grandmas church. I actually found it quite challenging to get the right consistency for the toffee as it took a lot longer than i thought, but i got there in the end!

I couldn't cut them very well, so i apologise for the mess!

*pre heat oven to 160*/Gas mark 3*


4oz butter/margarine (i used stork!)

6oz self raising flour

4oz caster sugar

1tbsp of golden syrup

1 small can of condensed milk

6oz of milk or dark chocolate (I used milk)


Rub 4oz butter and the 6oz self raising flour together until it resembles fine bread crumbs

Add the 2oz caster sugar and gently mix together

Next pour the mixture into a lined greaseproof papered dish. This recipe suggests using a swiss roll tin, but i didn't have one, so any dish/tin that's at least 1.5 inches deep will do. 

Bake for 25 mins


Stir 2oz butter or margarine, 2oz sugar, 1 tbsp syrup and 1 small can of condensed milk together in a pan until the sugar dissolves

Reduce the heat and cook SLOWLY until the syrup begins to turn a light brown 

Cool shortbread and spread the toffee over


Melt 6oz of chosen chocolate in a pyrex glass bowl over boiling water and keep mixing until completely melted

Pour over toffee

Cut into small fingers when cool, as its quite rich! (and delicious)

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